Turkey for a Smaller Crowd

Thanksgiving and turkey, it’s hard to think of one without the other. It’s a holiday known for people gathering to enjoy one of the most traditional feasts of the year. But what if you aren’t cooking for a crowd this year?

Which is usually the case for us anyway, 2-4 people + Maverick. Turkey always takes the center stage and it keeps its leading roll.

This recipe is a great way to enjoy the star of the show without cooking a lot more than you need.

Recipe- Turkey Breast Pot Roast


*Turkey Breast, typically 3-4 lbs., all natural & organic if possible

*Key West Spice Company® Southernmost Blend, 1/2 cup all together

*Butter, 1/2 stick unsalted softened

*Red or Gold Potatoes, Scrubbed and cut in half

*Large Carrots, Peeled and coarsely chopped

*Vidalia Onion, Cut in large slices

*Celery Stalks, two coarsely chopped Garlic Cloves, 4-5


*Oven and stove top,

*Heavy roasting pan,

*Small bowl

*Cutting board

*Good knife

Directions- Preheat oven to 350° F Rinse turkey breast under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. In a small bowl mix ¼ C of the Southernmost Blend with the softened butter Rub the turkey breast all over with the seasoned butter, getting under the skin and inside the cavity.

If you have a roasting pan that also works on the stove top fine, if not just use an extra pan to brown the turkey breast.                             

Place pan on large stove top burner, turn to medium high heat.

Once hot place seasoned turkey breast skin side down on to the pan.

Allow breast to brown on as much of the surface as you can by rotating and turning the breast.

After about 5 -7 minutes of browning, you should have the desired color and beginning crispness that you are looking for.

Season your vegetables with some of the remaining SOUTHENMOST BLEND.

Remove pan from burner, if you are using a separate pan for roasting, place your onions, celery, and garlic on the bottom of the roasting pan.

If using one pan, remove breast from pan and place on a plate while you add the onions, celery and garlic.

Then place the turkey breast skin side up in the pan, add the potatoes and carrots then sprinkle with any of the remaining SOUTHENMOST BLEND.

Place roasting pan in the oven and bake for about 1 hour or 20 minutes per pound.

Turkey is cooked when an instant read meat thermometer reads 165°F (65° C). Let rest at least 10 minutes before digging in. Any pan drippings make for a great gravy.

Serve with the usual suspects such as stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and your favorite vegetables.

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